Unlock the Power Within: Join us in the Experiment with Light!

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Next event 31st of August, 7pm-9pm. Then the last Thursday of each month.

Refreshments available. All welcome.

Dear Friends and Seekers of Inner Light,

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and profound transformation? If so, then I invite you to step into the realm of the Experiment with Light.

In a world bustling with noise and distractions, where constant demands tug at our attention and peace seems elusive, it becomes crucial to find a sanctuary within ourselves. The Experiment with Light offers just that—a space for us to reconnect with our inner wisdom and tap into the boundless wellspring of love and guidance that resides within.

Drawing upon a Quaker practice, the Experiment with Light is both simple and profound. It is a contemplative and meditative approach that allows us to delve deep into the core of our being, where true understanding and enlightenment await. You don’t need any special experience or background to participate; all you need is an open mind, a receptive heart, and a willingness to explore.

The Experiment with Light practice employs a series of gentle prompts or ‘queries’ that invite us to reflect upon and investigate particular aspects of our lives. Through these prompts, we gain insight into our relationships, personal challenges, and spiritual aspirations. We learn to identify the patterns that shape our thoughts and actions, and we uncover the hidden barriers that hinder our growth.

But the Experiment with Light is not just about self-reflection; it also nurtures our connection with the divine. As we open ourselves to the source of all life, we discover the sacred presence that pulses within and without. We begin to sense the interconnectedness of all beings and the universal wisdom that flows through us all.

In coming along to our Experiment with Light group, you will find a warm and welcoming community of fellow seekers who share a common goal: to deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. We gather to listen and be heard, to support and be supported, and to inspire and be inspired. Together, we create a safe and nurturing space where vulnerability is embraced and growth is celebrated.

Experiment with Light is often practised in Light groups, but it can also be undertaken as a solo discipline and it is not necessary to be a Quaker to practise it. Recordings of the different versions of the meditation are available on CD and as downloads from the Experiment with Light website. The website Experiment with Light also provides details of resources and events as well as the guided meditations. It also holds the latest online editions of the Experiment with Light Journal.

The Experiment with Light process can be separated into four main steps, once you have accepted an invitation to be still:

  1. Mind the Light (pay attention to what’s going on inside you, particularly where there’s something that makes you feel uncomfortable)
  2. Open your heart to the truth (don’t run away from anything that’s difficult or that you don’t want to face, but keep a little distance from it: ‘be still and cool in thy mind’)
  3. Wait in the Light (be patient, let the Light show you what is really going on, ask questions if what is being offered to you isn’t clear or you want to know more, and wait for the answers to come, don’t try to explain)
  4. Submit (accept and welcome the information or images, and the insights, dreams and perceptions that may come later, and allow them to show the truth)

After the Meditation of 40mins, we immediately have a 20min period of self reflection where we do not engage with others, but may get a brew, write, draw, or just have time to ourselves to absorb what came up. We then gather into small groups of three or four to enable sharing, no one is to offers advice or discuss what is said we are to allow the Light to work within us. We act as witness and listeners one to another this is all. You do not have to share, but may offer more time to others,15-20 mins. We then come back together as a whole group and time is given to hear contributions from your own experience to the bigger group if you wish to. There is then a brief plenary looking towards the next event and bringing the experiment to an end for this month.

The Experiment may: Help to cultivate a deep sense of inner peace and tranquillity. By quieting the mind, connecting with the divine presence within, and letting go of worries and concerns, participants can experience a profound sense of calmness and serenity.

Increased self-awareness: This practice encourages self-reflection and introspection, enabling participants to gain deeper insights into their own thoughts, emotions, and behaviours, that can lead to personal growth and positive transformation.

Enhanced spiritual connection: provides a space for individuals to connect with their spirituality and deepen their relationship with the divine. Through meditation and contemplation, participants can experience a sense of oneness with the universe and a deeper understanding of their spiritual path. This connection can bring about a greater sense of purpose and meaning in life.

Aid emotional healing and release: allows individuals to dive into their innermost emotions and address any emotional wounds or traumas that may be holding them back, in keeping a little distance to enable clarity. By acknowledging and processing these emotions in a safe and supportive environment, participants can experience emotional healing and release, leading to a greater sense of emotional well-being and freedom.

It is an offering of community and support: of like-minded individuals who are also on a spiritual journey. Offering a space for sharing experiences, insights, and challenges, fostering a sense of belonging and connection. The collective energy of the group can provide additional support and encouragement on one’s spiritual path.

It is important to note that the benefits of the Experiment with Light practice will vary for each of us. It is a personal and experiential journey that allows individuals to explore their own inner landscape and connect with their spirituality in a way that resonates with them.

For more information please call Cindy at the Airton Meeting House on 01729 900018.