About Quakers

Open gate

North Yorkshire is one of the areas where Quakerism (officially known as the Religious Society of Friends) came together in the mid-seventeenth century, and the Meeting House here was very much part of that early history.  Although we have changed greatly since those days, the original Quakers’ ideas that there is ‘that of God in everyone’ and that we all have the ability discern the will of God for ourselves, without intermediaries, stays with us.  Nowadays, we are perhaps best known for our testimonies to simplicity, truth and integrity, equality and peace.

New to Quaker Meetings?

Quaker worship takes place mainly in silence, with some ‘spoken ministry’ happening from time to time.  The Meeting begins when the first person enters the meeting room – so that each new person arrives and takes their seat in silence.   You are very welcome to join us in a Meeting for Worship.  If you have never been to a Quaker Meeting before, please just come in quietly, sit anywhere, and enjoy the silence in your own way.  There are leaflets, including one entitled ‘Your first time in a Quaker Meeting’, in the rack to the left of the entrance door and you may wish to help yourself to these.  When, if as often happens, someone feels moved to say something, we are invited to listen respectfully and take from the words anything that ‘speaks’ to us.  The Meeting ends after approximately an hour, with everyone shaking hands.  All are warmly invited to join us afterwards for a cup of tea, and plenty of talking!

Meetings for Worship are presently suspended to assist with containment of the Coronavirus/Covid-19 epidemic; however, in happier times we hold two each month, at 3pm on the 2nd and 4th Sundays.

If you would like to know more about Quakers and Quakerism, there are free leaflets in the Meeting House and in the library downstairs, and you are welcome to make use of the library during your stay.  The Friend in Residence will be happy to answer any questions.  More information about Quakerism and Quakers in Britain can be found here.

Other denominations in Malhamdale

Parish Church, Kirkby Malham, services every Sunday at 10am

Methodist Chapel, Malham services every Sunday at 9:30am